
Community Call #5

28 Apr 2022
Written by: Minima

Dear Minimalists,

We’re excited to host our fifth community call, and what better date than the 5th of May to do so?

We’ll be live on our Discord stage on Thursday, May 5th at 15:00 UTC to share updates on Minima, and discuss all the things happening in the broader crypto industry.

The call will be recorded and is open for anyone to join. If there are topics you want to discuss or questions you want to be answered, simply raise your hand during our call and we’ll get you on stage with us. Alternatively, we have a channel for questions: #stage-questions where you can add them and we’ll make sure everything is addressed.

We have a rough agenda for this call, to ensure we cover all the important updates. Beyond that, the call is open to everything you bring up. If there are topics you already know in advance that we should talk about, let us know by commenting below this post, tweeting at us, or letting us know on Discord.


  • Warm welcome & house rules
  • Updates from the Minima community team
  • Community member of the month
  • Industry trends & events
  • Twitter going private = good for free speech?
  • Blockchain usecases
  • Stablecoins
  • Any other topics raised & community questions
  • Closing

We’re looking forward to seeing many of you during our call, and hearing what your thoughts are on Minima, and what you’d love to see built.

See you on May 5th!

Thank you for being part of the Minima community.

Your Minima Team.

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